Scouting for Food 2025

Unit Organization         

  1. Have a plan to remind the youth and adults about the week of February 1st distribution and of the February 8th collection.
  2. All units should know their assigned territory to distribute the food bags.
  3. All members, both youth and adults should be in Class A uniform.
  4. Determine an assembly place and time for February 1st and 8th. (use your regular meeting place or another convenient location)

On Saturday, February 1st:

  • Bags with instructions should be distributed beginning at 9:00am.
  • Assemble at the meeting place early enough to brief adults and distribute bags.
  • Have enough vehicles for the number of youth participating and area to cover.
  • All youth should travel in groups of two (2) using the buddy system.
  • Vehicles should stay as close to the youth as possible.  It is advisable for adults to be on the streets.
  • Youth should knock on the door and give the residents the food bag & Insert.  If no answer, place on the door handle.  DO NOT PUT BAGS IN OR ON THE MAIL BOXES
  • Bags should be distributed to residents only.  Avoid businesses or apartment dwellings with no solicitation rules.

On Saturday, February 8th:

  • Food must be collected beginning no earlier than 9:00am from the same area you distributed bags.
  • Arrange for food to be dropped off at your sponsoring organization or other designated location in advance.  Food should be dropped off the same day.
  • If there is no bag of food at the door, ring the bell or knock (have an additional bag available a scout is prepared).  If no answer go to the next house.
  • Do not enter any homes.
  • Unload and weigh items collected at designated locations.


  1. Go online by logging on to your account and click on the “Service Hours Reporting” to log your hours. 
  2. In order to receive patches, fill out the online form CLICK HERE Report Your Scouting for Food Details


Position Name Telephone
District Executive - ScoutReach Virgil Lessane (336) 760-2900 x216 Email