Wood Badge Course NST15-427-25

Part #1: October 3-5, 2025
Part #2: October 18-19, 2025

Cost: $200 (includes materials and shirt).

Wood Badge is the premier adult leadership development course for Scouting America. The course delivers the most current leadership models used by corporate America in a life-changing fun outdoor format and integrates Scouting’s value based philosophy.  Wood Badge is presented by an outstanding group of dedicated Scout volunteers who are well trained & highly motivated to provide you with a fun and meaningful learning experience.

What can you expect from a Wood Badge Course?
As a result of attending Wood Badge, the participants will
•    Acquire a global view of Scouting as a family of interrelated, values-based programs providing age-appropriate activities for youth.
•    Become familiar with contemporary team leadership concepts.
•    Experience the stages of team development and practice leadership approaches appropriate for those stages.
•    Have a great deal of fun in the company of interesting, like-minded individuals.
•    Develop a renewed commitment to providing Scouting with the best possible leadership.

For more details, download the Wood Badge brochure below.

In September 1919, twenty men clad in shorts and knee socks gathered around a flagpole at Gilwell Field near London. Organized into 3 patrols, these men launched the precursor for what eventually has become Wood Badge. During the 11 day course, the Scout Leaders learned important skills to pass on to their eager Scouts. Troop organization, campcraft, pioneering, signcraft, fieldwork, and pathfinding were among the subjects taught.  Upon completion of the course, Baden-Powell awarded each of the Scouters a hand carved bead tied to a leather thong.  The beads were a prize he collected from the Zulu Chief Dinizulu during the British Ashanti Campaign in 1888. Scouting America conducted its first official Wood Badge course in the United States in 1948. Since that time, the Wood Badge syllabus has been revised and updated to provide the best methods to adult Scouters for teaching leadership and program delivery.

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