Choose Your Adventure

For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are just as relevant in helping youth grow to their full potential as they were in 1910. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.

Cub Scouts

Grade K-5

Cub Scouts make new friends and learn new things in an environment designed to help them succeed. 

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Scouts BSA

Age 10 & Earned Arrow of Light OR
Age 10 and completed 5th Grade OR
Age 11 but not yet 18

Scouts BSA for Boys and Girls - dive into outdoor adventure relying on teamwork and character to guide the way.

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Age 14-21

Venturers travel to new places, meet new friends, and take adventure to new heights.

Find a Crew - More on Venturing

Sea Scouts

Age 14-21

Sea Scouts is a place to grow, and learn, adventure, and build long lasting friendships.

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Age 14-21

Explorers discover potential careers and are equipped with the tools to succeed.

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Position Name Telephone
District Director - Blue Ridge, Wilkes, Seven Rivers Kevin Cheek (336) 760-2900 x219 Email
District Director - Wachovia Chris Duggins (336) 760-2900 x211 Email
Director of Field Service J. David Gilbert (336) 760-2900 x208 Email
Senior District Executive - Seven Rivers Chris Lawson (336) 760-2900 x217 Email