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SCOUTING ADVENTURES: Weekend Fun at CRK with Troop 539
Troop 539 B & G with the Webelos/AOLs had a great Mothers Day Weekend Camping Trip at Camp Raven Knob. A lot was accomplished! First, the Scouts
ATV Program Request
Off-Season ATV Program Please use the form below to make a reservation request for an Off-Season (Non summer camp) ATV Program at Camp Raven Knob.
Shooting Sports Request
The Old Hickory Council offers an exciting array of shooting sports activities at Camp Raven Knob, from BB guns for Cub
Aquatics Request
Off-Season Aquatics Requests Please use the form below to make a reservation request for an Off-Season (Non summer camp) Aquatics request at Camp
Whitewater Rafting
Camp Raven Knob has partnered with one of West Virginias premier rafting companies, ACE Adventures, to provide units or individuals attending Camp